Kenji Daito. Crystal, Coeurl. EST.

Just because I am sweet, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass.

carrd template by cassiaslair.

in her pockets.

The bag contains various crafting tools and small knickknacks from visiting places all over the world, as if they are being saved to be shown to family after a long time away. Buried mostly under everything else there is a bundle of cloth, handmade in colors of the Geneq tribe within the Azim Steppe, wrapped around something equally treasured as what is protecting it.*Within your hands is a leather bound journal, well worn with age and embossed with an Geneq tribe crest, meant to be a gift to whomever the journal belongs too. Do you dare to open it's pages?



  1. Whatever content we write, will be self contained unless discussed with all possible parties(at length) about merging it into one timeline. I'm not about to ruin someone's in game roleplay environment due to partners not being informed. I'm not about that life and you shouldn't be either~

  2. By requesting private scene roleplay, you agree that you are at minimum eighteen though preferred if over 21, and agree that you have both the desire and the right to receive and/or participate in content written or designed for mature audiences.

  3. Note that "content written or designed for mature audiences" is a broad cover-your-ass term, and that my willingness to participate in anything that requires said cover-your-ass disclaimers may vary. We can write some heavy stuff, but an outline will be discussed and agreed upon before we begin, kay? :)

  4. If this is to be a long time thing, please understand that I do not spend my entire time within FFXIV to roleplay and will be spending time with my FC and friends, so I humbly ask that you /tell me first to check if I have the time for a spur of the moment scene. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

  5. I do have a life outside of this game. If we have a scheduled scene and I, for some reason, will not be able to make it I will do my best to give ample warning and reschedule. I will extend you the same grace. We're all human and life gets busy. No need to feel bad if something comes up and it postpones the scene. :)

  6. I'm still new to the roleplaying world within FFXIV, so if I stumble or anything I ask your patience and forgiveness, but am not new to roleplaying in general.

  7. Thank you for your patience and understanding! Let's have a good story!


  1. 21+ roleplayer, Minors DNI

  2. Kenji is cannonly in an open marriage with her partner Nao Daito, so she is still able to be romanced and partnered with your OC! She is pansexual and polyamorous, with partners outside of her husband. So if you are interested in her in that way by all means, see where it goes.

  3. Late 20s, they/them OOC, she/her IC

  4. EST time zone

  5. I work full time and am on first shift, so venue times are usually when I'll be able to rp unless we can find a time and day where I am off.

  6. I run low on spoons a lot.

  7. Will more than likely be AFKed in game or gposing.

  8. She will appear as Kenji Kantar in game, due to me not summoning the fucks to change her name on my main, but she is known as Kenji Daito in RP.


  name.    Kenji Daito, formally Kenji Kantar.
  age.    Late 20s Early 30s it seems.
  birthday / nameday     5th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon.
  guarding deity.     Thaliak, the Scholar.
  gender.     Female.
  pronouns.     she/her.
  sexuality.     pansexual.
  height.     4 fulms 11 ilms/ 4"11'.
  hair color.     black with red highlights.
  eye color.     Light icy blue dragon silted eyes with glowing blue Limbal Rings.
  notable features.     body suit tattoo from neck down, a break in her neck scales with a seemingly knives precision cut. scars hidden in her tattoos. a scythe-like scar on her left side. catuerized bullet hole on her right thigh.
  job occupation.    Culinarian/Baker by trade, Courtesan, Adventurer for Hire, Wife.
  place of origin | home | affiliation.    Yanxia, The Azim Steppe | Hingashi, Shirogane (Personal Home with Nao), Coerthas, Empyreum (FC) / Thanalan, Goblet (Personal) | Too many to list
  family.     Nao Daito(Husband), Bee Fujimoto (Mother in law), Cassius Rehwgilda (Best Friend), Her Mother and Father, and Tribe back in the Steppe
  marital status.     Bonded and Polyamours.

  d&d alignment.     Chaotic Neautral.
  rp preferences.     Mature, Dark, BDSM, Walkups, Tells, Story focused or Story adjacent. Have an idea? We can talk about it!
  Seeking.     Friends, RP partners, Allies, Rivals, Enemies, Long term RP partners.
  Language(s).     Old Auri, Steppe Sign Language, Doman, Hingan, and Eorzean.
  personality.     Those who don't trip any of the ingrained habits to pick up on the things that would make them a quiet danger to her and her loved ones, she will greet with a warm smile and an almost motherly sense of care.Those that she deems to be some sort of threat, or she flat-out doesn't enjoy, will be met with an icy stare and an equally cold greeting. A not so hidden edge in her words and body language. She's been through too much to keep playing the introduction game. Either get to know her or keep on moving.


Born in the Azim Steppe to loving parents and the Geneq tribe all I have known for most of my childhood was the joys of the hunt and of combat. Joining the ranks of hunters for the Naadam, the war over the Ovoo, in the years we participated, just like our ancestors in ages past fighting for the Dusk Mother, I was content within my life until the routine of it all started to pull at a part within myself that I was not sure if I wished to explore. The ache of an adventuring heart was strong and I was willing myself to ignore the itch in my blood and the want in my bones.The wanting to see the outside world, see what this beautiful place the Dusk Mother had left to us, outside the walls of the Steppe. My musings were met with caution from my parents and thus so the tribe. Not that they refused my calling outright. That was not our way of life.
We had everything we could need, and we were thankful for all the Dusk Mother provided. So why would I wish to leave? I could not bring myself to answer truthfully. Thus I did endeavor to bury the ache ilms under the surface hopeful with time that the call of the unknown would simmer out.
Until I could ignore them no more. There was so much I did not know and it was tearing at my every thought. The restlessness within my bones, the itching under my scales of adventure, the wanting of knowing every thing I could learn.
There is no greater challenge, no bigger joy, than to learn so much that the unknown is no longer a call I needed to answer. With a kiss to my mother's cheek while she slept, a note left at her bedside, rubbing horns with my parents I packed what I had into my hunting bag and set out in the middle of the night.
There was so much to learn, so much to explore, and I would ignore the call no longer. I left my tribe, my home, my way of life in exchange for a world full of wonder. I made my way to the edges of Othard before I got passage on the next boat headed for Aldenard to begin my life anew.This is my story.


  1.   Azim Steppe:   Talk to her about her ancestral homeland and she'll gladly show you her sketches to tell you all about it

  2.   Othard/Hingashi:   She adores her Far Eastern history and neighbors to her homeland and will gladly tell you about her kimono she will more than likely be wearing.

  3.   Food:   She is a Culinarian by trade and frequents the inns and taverns of the world to hand out samples of the treats she makes in her bakery

  4.   Stories:   She's an adventurer for hire so any story is a story worth listening too. She'll sit and share tea with you until you have no stories left to tell.

  5.   Learning new things:   The call of the unknown is why she left the Steppe and her tribe behind, if you have something new to offer her she is willing to learn.

  1.   Mature Themes:   Just because she's bubbly and sweet and tends to be smiling, don't let the demeanor fool you. She's hiding a lot of risque ideas and wants behind her smile. Don't be afraid to flirt with her and see where it goes.

  2.   Dark Themes/Angst:   She's not afraid to get her hands dirty should someone need to disappear, someone's heart needs broken, places to hide a body. Her hands are soaked in blood.

  3.   Kink/BDSM:   If you have...interesting ideas that shouldn't be shared outside of a private setting, and if you get inspired by seeing her. Let her know..She might feel the same. ;)

  4.   Tells/Walk-ups:   If you like the glam don't be shy~ Honestly drop a line anytime. More often than not I'm down to clown and finding a good starter is one conversation away my friend.

A sketch of the sprawling city of Limsa Lominsa as well as a small portrait of a Yellowjacket

~ have never been so happy to be on dry land once again, the days at sea coming from Othard to Aldenard were grueling, confined in such limited space compared to the Steppe already has me missing home. But I will not turn back, I cannot, the call in my bones having guided me this far. The shock to my system to see so many of my kind mingling within the sea of bustling people kept me frozen fresh off the boat as I took in everything around me. So many different races all existing together in harmony. I found myself smiling in mystical wonder at it all. I was right to follow the call of the unknown.My wonder was short lived, realizing that I did not exactly know the language everyone seemed to be speaking though I could pick up basic conversation within bits of audio I could process, causing my horns to tingle with the overload of information. I crouched down like a child, covering my ears to hopefully drown out some of the noise until I could think, taking deep breaths to soothe my nerves a little. A “Yellow Jacket” came to check on me, due to my obvious distress, as I did my best to explain to the man that I was freshly arrived and knew nothing of this city nor this part of the world. With a hearty laugh, a loud one that I flinched from, he pointed me in the direction of the Adventurer’s Guild where I was sure to find some kind of work.I tried to find that man again, after I found myself a registered adventurer and had begun my true journey, but I never got his name. I remembered his face, and made a small sketch of him to keep on my person should I ever run into him in passing, and even if it takes me years I will thank him for his help. I was shocked to find out Adventurers have access to inn rooms at the guild, free of charge. Now with a hot shower, the idea of food in my belly after a long journey, and a bed that will not be rocking back and forth the entire time I try to slumber; I will end my entry here.I made it Mother..Father. I will return someday with stories to tell and trinkets to offer. Until then, I shall find you in the praise of the Dusk Mother and all she does for us.

The entries continue. Do you wish to keep reading? Or return the journal to its place within the cloth?

A completed Hunting Mark and pressed flowers from each city state

Adventuring is much like the hunts I used to do back home with my tribe. Some marks are quickly handled, and others take me far from the walls of Limsa Lominsa and into other city states. I have ventured the vastness of Thanalan and the shaded paths of the Black Shroud and found myself falling in love with the wonder I have seen at every turn.I seem to have an aptitude for the magicks I have seen other adventures use, much to my own surprise upon learning this about myself, and have found solace in the summoning artes of this side of the world. I still go back to using a bow to hunt when I need to, the ever familiar feeling of home accompanying the weight of the wood in my hands before I loose an arrow on my query.When traveling makes me tired, I spend my time learning the ways of the cooking world here in this part of the world as well as other tradecrafts. I have taken up their forms of gathering in accompaniment to help ease the strain on my pockets. It is a simple life I find myself leading, but an honest one. I honor the Dusk Mother in everything I do, finding her blessings everywhere I go even this far away from home.There is something coming, I can feel it in my bones. I know not what it might be, but the changes in the air around me is something I cannot ignore. I will find a way to help protect my new found home from whatever unseen threat that is biding its time. I can sense it in the air, the shadows that are growing larger out of the corner of my eye. I will stand ready. And when the time comes that these shadowy figures come to Light, I will stand against them.

Do you wish to keep reading? Or return the journal to its place within the cloth?

A sketch of the Holy See with portraits of Ser Aymeric and dragons in the skies

Familiarity is buried under fulms of snow, a cold that cuts down into the marrow of my bones, and a place that does not welcome my kind. I am weary being here in the Holy See, having heard many a tale of the unkind natives hunting my kind for their scales due to them believing we are descendants of dragons. We are made in the likeness of the Dusk Mother, made to wage a holy war for her in ages past, not descendant of the flying wyrms in the sky. Though the beasts are majesty when in flight, blocking out the sun and commanding reverence in their forms, I find myself wishing that we were related to them in some way. To have that much power seeped into every fraction of my being, I would have no cause to be afraid.Coerthas is marred by their unending war and I cannot help but to feel the sorrow seeped into the very make of the land. So many lives lost on either side of this unforgiving war and yet I find myself compelled to be in the middle of it all. There has to be a solution. One that will end the fighting and the sorrow. Even if I am met with adverse stares and hostility, years of fighting over the Ovoo has hardened my scales to endure worse, I will help this broken city. In whatever way I can. The stones the Holy See of Ishgard are made of may be cold and there may never be an end to the snowfall, it does not mean the hearts of the inhabitants need to match the scenery.The journey has not been the easiest thus far spending endless and uncountable bells working on my tradesmen crafts, hands covered in calluses from wielding weapons to a hatchet chopping down trees, heart hardened to the casualties of trying to fix a world corrupted, trying to fix Ishgard does not seem like an impossible task. But the smallest ripple can cause a wave if repeated enough. Mother, Father, I am growing in ways I do not think I would have if I stayed home. I miss your presence, but I swear I will return home someday. Changed yes, but still your child underneath it all. May the Dusk Mother guide my hand in all my decisions.

Do you wish to keep reading? Or return the journal to its place within the cloth?

Sketches of Kugane and the Azim Steppe, with a small portrait drawn of Kenji with her parents

Never in all of my days would I believe I was heading home. To be able to see Kugane again, to feel the ground of the Steppe under my feet once more, to see my parents smiling faces. I did not mind the long journey back across the ocean, spent every moment thrumming with excitement and a homesickness I had not felt in many a bell. There was so much I wished to tell them about, all of the different kinds of things to do across the sea, and the little slice of it I was craving for myself within the vastness of it all. I could not wait to see my tribe again, to rub horns and join the hunt once more.What I found was my home threatened by the self same Empire I fought across the sea. There was fire in my blood and heat in my lungs seeing what they had done. Seeing my tribe again would have to wait, until I drove these leeches out of my homeland and crawling back into the cracks from whence they came. I have work to do and this time I do it not out of a sense of duty to protect my new found home.But out of a sense of personal grudges. These invaders have taken much from me and I will suffer it no more. Not with a sword in hand and breath in my lungs.

Do you wish to keep reading? Or return the journal to its place within the cloth?

A sketch of a small charm, handcrafted by Kenji’s Mother

Stepping foot into the Azim Steppe after so many countless days away from its beauty and grace I had to take pause witnessing it in all its glory. The air felt right, the grass beneath my feet feeling more plush than any carpet, brought tears to my eyes that I shed openly. I was home. I knew exactly where I stood, where my tribe would be, and where not to tread. All of the memories of my childhood came rushing back in a flood and I could not wait to share an embrace with my parents.For malms I walked, unbothered by the trek, towards my home. Cresting the ridge where I saw familiar colors and walls of wood and hide, I did my tribes call of returning hunters to see curious eyes turn towards my person, before gasps and hollers rang out to greet me. I found my footsteps hurrying into a run, rushing to greet my family as they did the same. Children I had known when I left grown into adults, elders of my tribe looking older but all the more wise, and my parents..Oh mother, father, how nice it was to see you again. To feel your familiar embrace, the same smells I had come to know as yours, to see how well the tribe had taken care of you in my absence.The fires were large that night, the feast plenty, as my tribe gathered around to hear of my stories and share in the trinkets from afar I had brought home. To hear of the battles I had fought, the glory in them and the loss of new found friends, to hear of the crafts and makes I had produced, and how in it all I never forgot where it is I come from. That I honored the Dusk Mother, I honored our way of life, and I honored my parents. The songs and celebration went off into the late hours of the night, they giving me a welcomed background to admiring the sea of stars above my head once again seeming all too familiar.My mother knows I cannot stay, though she wishes I would, but there is still much I do not know and much of the world left to discover and learn. I told her of ways to reach me, of how to send me letters and the like, should she ever miss my presence more than she already has. I slept peacefully for the first time in a long time, surrounded by the smells of home.

The entries stop there for now. You have nothing else to do than return the journal back into its protective cloth.

Excerpts from Kenji's journal meant to be tucked away

All of that training, the grueling hours of learning how to use the shadows to my advantage..Striking quickly and deadly, combining with how we hunt our prey for food back home, for all of it to not matter...We lost. Mother, Father..Brother..I know not if I will be able to return to you. I pray to the Mother that I am so lucky to be able to see the sea of stars above my head once more before I take my last breaths. I miss you all terribly.Knowing I am one of the few lucky ones to be able to escape with my life, why did I choose to endanger my family? Was it because I missed home so much? They are going to come looking for me, for the head of raven hair that went unaccounted for when they were killing us off one by one for their enjoyment. But there is no one better suited to fight them should they wander too close. My tribe would not know how to fight their Magitek. Hopefully they learn not to stray too close.As much as it brings my mother comfort to have me home and where should I get injured in my skirmishes with them, I cannot endanger them anymore than I already have. They will not stop hunting me, and I need to find a new place to hide. Possibly across the sea? I hear there's a city there...Mayhap that is my best choice to give them a fighting chance.I am going to have to take the gamble of going across the sea. I will tell my parents it is the call of the unknown, the wanting of adventure that calls me away. As much as I know they will not believe my lie, it is what I have to tell them. I have caused them enough trouble. I promised my parents and my brother I will return someday, once I know it is safe and I am no longer causing them danger. I will miss you terribly. Please stay safe..Mother..Father..Brother. Please keep our tribe safe. May you walk in the light of Mother. I shall return, and it will be on my own two feet not the worse for wear..If the world is kind to me.

Across the sea. Or return the pages back to where you found them?

The city is strange, but then again I am not used to such a condense gathering of bodies unless it was for the Naadam or in Reunion. I get looks for my manner of dress but no one has flat out tried to murder me..yet. Though I cannot shake the feeling of eyes following my person as I am going through the busy market streets like they are waiting for me to be alone. I am not afraid and will allow them to find me by myself in an alleyway here in the city. Let us fight honorably.I wasn't expecting to be so well matched when it came to one on one combat. The male Viera who jumped from the market roofs and attacked me with the ferocity of three Xaela, with little no explanation as to why he was trying to take my life. His unending silence was the most unnerving part of our exchange. His ability to handle more than just daggers made our scuffle span most of the city streets, me doing my best to not endanger the citizens, my katana against his magic.

The males name is Cassius, and after we ended in a draw he told me that there had been a bounty put onto my head and he had come to collect. But upon seeing how for someone of less skill in hunting people, I would not be simple prey, he had decided to determine if I was worth more alive than dead. Our fight had proven to him that I had the potential to be useful, with the training I already had in the art of the shadows as well as my skill with the bow and how I wield a katana. He was willing to pay my debt if I worked for him instead, and with no allies in this strange city and knowing it would take me a lot of hard work to be free; I made my devil's bargain.

Hunted to being bound to another. Return the pages back to where you found them?

I proved my worth to Cassius rather quickly, I am thankful to announce. Even ended up saving his life and thus he has placed a great deal in trust in me. For I am grateful for. My mother would be rather shocked I think to find I look vastly different compared to before I left home. My skin has been heavily inked, a testament to my loyalty to Cassius and protecting this second chance at somewhat of a normal life he has afforded me, and adjusting to this life I lead now in Kugane.As much I miss you, Mother, Father, Brother, I am learning a great deal having left home. Granted I cannot tell you how much blood is soaked into my hands, how many lives I have probably ruined, but I am doing what needs to be done to ensure not only my own survival but yours as well. Mayhap someday I will tell you about all of this..All of the sinful things I have committed. Until such day, may you believe the stories I will return home with, and not think to ask deeper questions.

I know not why the world is indeed a cruel place, and I was a fool to think it would spare me its lessons in cruelty. A job gone awry, a contractor not pleased with my performance on his job; took a piece of me I shall have to bear for the rest of my days. May my Mother forgive me when I do get to return home having been stripped of something so incredibly dear.Cassius was indeed kind to me for giving me a piece within my body suit to hide my scars, and I cannot express my gratitude to him for showing me such a kindness after the world showed me the depths of its cruelty. The man who stole my scales is no longer breathing, Cassius assures me, and I do find some manner of small comfort in the knowledge he will not be tormenting another Au Ra the same way he did me.

Furusato has been constructed and the carrd is in progress! But feel free to come by and check it out!
Coeurl, Goblet, Ward 9, Plot Six


Cassius Rehwgilda

  Her Besfriend | Her Guiding Star.    The man Kenji owes her current life too. For many a reason. She is paying off a debt she knows she can never fully repay to him in kind, and he cannot convince her that she has long since been paid up.These two are like peas in a pod when in the same room. Sharing the same thought it almost seems like most of the time, silent conversation happening almost always as they spend time together. Working in such smooth tandem one would think it magic.

Nao Daito

  Her Sunlight | Her Azim.    Kenji's Second Husband, and the love of her life. She happened across him in the markets of Kugane, looking at new silks to buy, where she described the silk he was feeling the texture of upon learning he was blind as a way of helping him. The color and pattern to make sure he wouldn't purchase something that wouldn't work for his current project. He offered her to see the project she now directly helped influence when she bought the silks he was needing as a gift for pleasant conversation and for making her trips to the markets something she would be smiling about for the rest of the day.It wasn't long after they began to see each other often, she falling for his boyish charms and sincerity.He surprised her with mentioning he wished to marry her, she thinking he joking due to her situation with her now ex-husband, but without a seconds hesitation he took up her ex-husband's offer for an honorable trial by combat. Even if they both knew he wouldn't fight fair. Upon winning the match, Nao earned the right to her hand in marriage without a fuss, and Kenji has felt like every morning has been a dream since.He is her Sunlight, the Sun to her Moon. Just like the stories she heard growing up.

Aurel De Castille

  Her Dragon | Her Ishgardian.    One of Kenji's longest standing partners before she met her current husband and someone she trusts entirely. He is like feeling the fresh snow crunching under your boot first thing on a cold morning, bundled up in a warm coat with a cup of coffee to sip to her. He is comfort. He is Home.One could swear these two were married when they are in a room together and she is within arms reach of him, the way she softens when she looks at him and he takes her attention off the room.

General Fang

  Her Seeker | Her Solace.    If someone where to ask her to remember a time before Fang had been a part of her life and by her side, she would jump back to before she had come West. He has always been a quiet and steadfast shoulder, and one she seeks often for his relaxing purring and sweet nothings he enjoys showering her in.He is like a warm sunny day on the beach, bringing comfort and a much needed warmth to the room whenever he is near. She breathes a little easier in his presence, knowing he's there and she is thoroughly supported by her partner.

Garrik Fallon

  Her Wanderer | Her Mafia Husband.    He may never be in the same room as her for long or they even interact while within the same building, but she knows when Garrik is in the room and she knows they will make eye contact at some point. They are not the most public with their partnership, not due to any particular reason, the duo knows that their relationship is secure. They spend time together when the fates allow, and it's as passionate as the time before.They spend more time conversing on deeper topics than anything else, as much as others may think otherwise. The subjects of the impossible are easily discussed with him.

Tatsumori Ashina

  Her Starlight | Her Melody on the Wind.    An unexpected surprise and a connection that she is thankful to have. Passing coworkers turned into long conversations to teasing each other's company. Their first time together was explosive, snarky comments leading to Tatsu with two scars from their time together. A small line that seem to match the distance between the spines on the end of her tail, and the scarring of her teeth in his neck from her excitement.After a small talk on the beaches of Costa Del Sol, and her opening her arms and her heart to comforting a seemingly lost Tatsu; they seem like they've been together for years when standing next to each other. They move about comfortably, like they tend to weave a dance, he adding melodies to her day when he is around.

Valle Rehw-Dvre

  Her Hunter | Her Whisper through the Leaves.    A compliment that inspired a challenge between her and Valle one evening, he complimenting her on her style of dress. A few inspired trades of quips and flirting later; she had her challenege of causing the Rava's jaw to be on the floor as she amped up her style to 100%. And she did just that, each outfit they saw each other in next causing their little game of hunter and hunted to be getting closer to being completed.The night she showed him the outfit she pieced together for him, for the purpose of causing his jaw to drop, was the night their relationship began to bud into them being something more than Valle being just a cilent. Fiery and a solid soundboard for her to converse with, Valle is a welcomed addition to her life.

Thaura Gallyr

  Her Muse | Her Serenity.    She wouldn't be able to tell you when she didn't feel as if Thaura was the Yin to her Yang, the pair truly being seemingly two pieces of the same puzzle, and someone she feels as if she cannot be without. The Duskwight grounds her, helps her work through her thoughts as they get ready together, and she would do anything to hear her laugh with the little snort she does.They truly are two peas in a pod and she looks at the Elezen like she is her world sometimes. With how soft and in love she appears when she looks up at her. They move in tandem, truly like every interaction is a dance, she often feels like they share thoughts when they answer along the same vein almost at the same time. She is her Muse and she continues to find Thaura to be a beautiful source of her creative processes.

Anthony Hemshire


Close Friends

Eliceyn "Ellie" Birch


Bee Fujimoto

  Her Mother In Law    A woman who took her in before she began to learn of her son and how he came to be. A coworker, a boss, a mother. Bee is a taste of home when returning home was not an option Kenji thought open to her. Her mother in law is a conversation partner Kenji seeks out often, joining her and Nao for tea whenever her schedules allow it.

Faelin Eldarin

  The Hermit | The White Wolf    A man who she would consider somewhere between the line of partner and friend, but he is likened with her body suit as a wolf on her thigh. He saved her life more than once in more ways than he could possibly imagine. But she has a feeling that the Hermit knows. He is a gentle breeze and a solace that she is thankful for every time she gets to experience it. Her mentor in a lot of things and someone she regards as a sort of guardian deity. For should she have need of The Hound, he will answer.

This is a WIP and will be completed as I find the time and the permission to put other's PCs on her carrd.